My challenge to you///
I challenge you to the death
Look in the mirror, thorough and deep
Make one change, from now till your last breath.
And every word you speak, let it be a vow to keep.
Let your actions be absolute,
As the Father seeing from every angle.
Let your faith be resolute,
Becoming God's faithful Angel.
I challenge you to the death.
Til present with the Lord, and absent from earth asleep.

13.6.13 - 8:57 PM

Dude...It has been YEARS.

After trying to find the password to one of my online forum accounts, I managed to at least crack into this email account with success. However, while I knew that it exists, I have completely and utterly forgotten about this blog! The first official order of business is to reestablish my identity to my audience, and then totally do a clean sweep, deleting ignorant crap I may have written in the past. Actually, I have half the mind to completely destroy this entire blog and every post within it, but my other half wants to show my growth as a person. So allow me to reintroduce myself: My name is Brianka Ari'el Morgan. I am an artist, and I graduated college last year. I'm not sure if I ever mentioned my confusion with regard to my profession or identity, but I am VERY confused. Not in the whole sense of sexuality- I'm very sure of my heterosexuality- but more so with who I am as a person. If I strip away my flesh-gender included-, my thoughts, and my emotions, what is left? People say that what is left is a soul and spirit. Others say that there is nothing more than these things. I personally believe the former, and you can say that on one level I have dedicated my entire being into discovering the nature of both the soul and spirit. In hindsight, this makes perfect sense. During my entire life I have been fascinated with things that I didn't understand, and I had great pleasure in decoding these things. Thus, I'm not only an artist, I am also a mathematician who discovered the awesome mysteries of geometry and calculus back in high school. I am a musician who still has not quite mastered understanding the symbols of staff and note. I am a linguist who was mesmerized by the Japanese and Chinese language ever since I was a kid, and of these two languages, I know enough Japanese to hold a fragmented conversation. I'm also able to read hiragana, katakana, and kanji. There are tons of things that I have gained out of a love of symbols and concepts. And quite frankly, as I'm typing this, I realize just how cool that is. I understand also how it is that I can truly say I have no religious affiliation, as religions and dogmas are nothing more than just multiple distractions for the true meaning of the creator. Now that I've written this, I've decided that I will most definitely be destroying some of my entries. Another thing that has "tightened up" since I've been on hiatus is my grammar...and a lot of the stuff on this blog makes me cringe. Though I must say, the poem at the top is nice :)...though I kind of want to add some blue to this blog. Yeah, since I've been gone, I've discovered that I like very bright Uranus-as in Aquarian- blue. I also like moonstone color too :) Anywhosies, I've got some cleaning up to do!

Posted by Brianka
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