My challenge to you///
I challenge you to the death
Look in the mirror, thorough and deep
Make one change, from now till your last breath.
And every word you speak, let it be a vow to keep.
Let your actions be absolute,
As the Father seeing from every angle.
Let your faith be resolute,
Becoming God's faithful Angel.
I challenge you to the death.
Til present with the Lord, and absent from earth asleep.

26.2.09 - 12:39 PM

Veggie Burgers

So lately I have been keeping notice of what exactly makes my body tick (weight wise). Spagetti, breads, any breads at all in large amounts is murder to my weight loss goal. I had originally lost 6 lbs....then after the spaghetti day I gained it all back. I'm angry with myself because I could have lost a total of 11lbs if I had not given into the bread temptation.....

Anyway, I also learned that if I don't have something crunchy, I will not be satisfied. Ever. I don't know why, but crunchy stuff is comforting to me. Sadly though, my favorite crunchy fruit, banana chips, have more calories per serving that does a single dove dark chocolate. That made me so sad...

I had my second test in New Testament class. I and predicting an 80.

My professor has been encouraging me to talk with my portfolio development professor about my wanting to get into comics and stuff. I'd been putting it off for about a week or two because I just couldn't muster up the initiative and strength to approach the quirky dude. Today, however, I finally did so. He showed me this graphic novel that I really wanted to see what language it was written in (russian or italian. Question though, who can get the two mixed up?). I started to learn the cryllic alphabet so that I can sing the song polyushka pole, It would have been nice if my hard work manifested in being able to simply pronounce the words.

We had an assignment in drawing class to create an imaginary character and its habitat. I have a couple of imaginary characters with full fledged stories already made up, but I chose the shapes shifting flying frog, Tweebit. The problem is that i chose a character who I would have to explain an entire series in order to accurately discribe him. So, i feel like I didn't do as well as I should have.

During lunch, I met with a classmate from highschool. I haven't seen her in centuries (only 2 years). I just said hi, we didn't really catch up or anything. I hate having those feelings when people don't really want to talk to you.

Anyway, I went to a chinese restaurant. I usually just buy some chicken noodle soup for 1.35, but since I am trying to stay organic as possible, I had the regualar (yet delicious) white rice for the same price. I tried duck sauce for the first time. I was suprised that it tasted nothing that I imagined. It was sweet.

Afterwards, I saw this woman who had the most cutest dog ever...especially since it was a pit bull. It was so friendly.

I went to the commuter's lounge and made 2 new friends. I only remember one's name...I can't remember the other. One is a vegan. The other is a resident. They are both kind women.

I asked the vegan about suggestions for making my veggie burgers (I usually make it with rice and lentils, I use egg replacer to get it to stick together). She said to look at the ingredients of some of the food I like and use the herbs in the patties. Now knowing that, I should have added barbeque sauce to beef it up a little.

No, I'm not vegetarian, but I tried to be once. I had to eat what was in the house, which was primarily meat. But it's ok. I kind of got my parents to stop eating beef about 3-4 years ago. The pork stuff didn't stick very long. The regressed back to pork. I even ate it on occasion.

Why is it that we indulge on the #1 item that is terrible for people of ethnic background?

Anyway, something is telling me to also be wary of salt intake. I've been eating cambells select soups off and on, and It will be my dinner today (only 90 calories!). The problem is though it is so inhumanely bland. It is organic, but it is BLAND. My mom loads it with other spices, but I just need a little salt and a lot of pepper. The thing is, I want to replace the salt. I should get some lemon salt substitute. I remember a while back when I first tried it, it gave things a gourmet flavor to it.

So that has been my day. I wish I could listen to music or something...but I left my mp3 player at home. T_T

I need to make plans for my spring break. I WILL be catching up on my reports for certain.


Posted by Brianka
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