My challenge to you///
I challenge you to the death
Look in the mirror, thorough and deep
Make one change, from now till your last breath.
And every word you speak, let it be a vow to keep.
Let your actions be absolute,
As the Father seeing from every angle.
Let your faith be resolute,
Becoming God's faithful Angel.
I challenge you to the death.
Til present with the Lord, and absent from earth asleep.

5.5.08 - 4:29 PM

Whats this feeling?

Fervent as a flame,
does it have a name?

I think I'm....borderline crazy. My imaginary friend came back. I'm happy for the company, he/she seems to provide an illusionary cushion in my little world.

OK, enough divulging things that will put me into an asylum.

On a serious note, I find that a lot of odd things have be happening lately. Especially today.
I was nominated for an "award" thingy at school today. It is weird b/c the teacher that nominated me was my spanish teacher. Sure, I'm very proficient in this area, but i haven't exactly been doing my best. I haven't been doing all of my hw. I haven't turned in my progress reports....

So now teachers can tell that i am purposely not doing my best? Wth??

I am an honor and academic scholar in my class. The list is kinda short, and both seem to have the same names on it.

This morning, I said hi to my usual crew. I usually go to the cafeteria and say hi to 1-3 people and spend the rest of the morning alone. Well, there is one that I kinda don't really want to talk to right now, and so I went to the library w/my friend group of about 3-5 ppl instead. Even with them, I only really want to talk to one.

If you have read my entries on gaia, you know that I have a "fake" paranoia thingy. I hate being around people who don't really act the way they really are. I hate it whenever people act for the moment and what the situation calls for rather than how they really feel at heart. I hate it whenever some of the pple who I talk to only talk to me to seem tolerant or not to seem like a Jackass. I just wish that these pple would drop their front grow some balls/uterus and say " You know what, I really don't like you" or "Look, I really don't want you to talk to me anymore" instead of letting me piece together their subliminal messages (which I am pretty accurate in my interpretatins and predictins )

Whenever I am around these types of people, I want to leave them and I yearn for someone who will be honest with me. Consequently, even though she has many flaws and problems to sort through, I know my friend will be honest with me and will give me her opinion on the matter. She will be her flawed self. I love her for that. She will not pretend to like someone she does not like, yet when necessary she will make the necessary "peace".

I don't think people really understadn just how lonely such a situation is. Well, at least I have only 1 month until I graduate. I intend on visiting weekly....

That is really all that I can say on the matter.

I have an interview for an internship oh the 19th of this month. Mom is helping me to make myself more presentable and confident. I hope I do well.

GTG, Jonathan is home...

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