My challenge to you///
I challenge you to the death
Look in the mirror, thorough and deep
Make one change, from now till your last breath.
And every word you speak, let it be a vow to keep.
Let your actions be absolute,
As the Father seeing from every angle.
Let your faith be resolute,
Becoming God's faithful Angel.
I challenge you to the death.
Til present with the Lord, and absent from earth asleep.

23.2.09 - 8:54 AM

It beats overeating.

So yeah, day....I think 3 or 4 on punishment.

Actually, it's not so bad. As long as I'm not stuck at home, I think everything is ok. I can used the computer here at the college. Of course, I won't use it to go on youtube or watch anything out of general respect for the campus. No, theres nothing special about what I watch, I just don't feel comfortable watching youtube at the college.

I've been playing my guitar a lot lately. I used to not be good at phrasing and using muting to accent certain phrases, now I'm a little better. I need to learn more chords though. I only know about 14 (maybe a little more), but they don't cover the range of notes I would like. Also, a lot of them are just variations and spin offs of the orignal 4 or 5 I learned. I want to increase my finger speed now though.
I also learned this cool something where you hold down a fret with the index finger, and then use the other fingers to repeatedly pull off on a higher fret. I reminds me of birds singing a little.

I decided that since i am stuck at the house so often, especially now since I'm on punishment, I will start going on walks. I usually just go out when I'm pissed.

Also good news, I lost 7 lbs. Actually, I've been having the urge to eat for awhile b/c of the crap that happened at home...but instead of binging, I've been doing all of these other things. Actually, I've noticed a lot of changes going on with my body.....not necessarily bad, but I don't understand what is going on in some cases.

I need to catch up on all of my assignments too. I can't keep putting off my Psycology like work til the last minute. My goal today is to have all three assignments written by the end of the day at least, and have at least 2 typed up. I don't think it is an unreasonable goal. I know it will take a while because I do my best to do some soul searching when I write these. Also I learned that I am probably the only one left that actually uses pencil and paper to write my roughdrafts before typing. I just don't like freestyle like that too much.

I get my first pay this Friday, and I SO can not wait! I cut down on a lot of things that I will be needing for art class by using financial aid to buy the supplies on campus. Now I just need three things: a container to put all of my supplies, pencils, and a conte stick. I was also planning on getting a new coat. Apparently, my brother loathes my wardrobe. Well, he will just have to deal with it. I don't want to buy any new clothes until after I lose the weight. Which is going to suck because I loathe my wardrobe too.....

I was going to get a new phone, but dad bitched about that when he was delivering my punishment. Why do I always bring up subjects that make me sick at the initial thought of it?

Leaves a really bad taste in my mouth.

Yesterday, I talked to a friend who has also been put on my parents "Disassciate" list. I haven't talked to him for a while, partially because I didn't want to, partially because I didn't have the time to, and partially because I am now on punishment. I filled him in on everything that happened while I was on my walk, then I asked him a question "Am I wrong to have contempt or hate towards my parents". He said yes, but he'd be angry too.

Anyway, I'm here til 11:00 am. I think at around 10 I will start reorganizing my portfolio.


Posted by Brianka
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