My challenge to you///
I challenge you to the death
Look in the mirror, thorough and deep
Make one change, from now till your last breath.
And every word you speak, let it be a vow to keep.
Let your actions be absolute,
As the Father seeing from every angle.
Let your faith be resolute,
Becoming God's faithful Angel.
I challenge you to the death.
Til present with the Lord, and absent from earth asleep.

20.4.10 - 2:46 PM

Dreams, dreams, of when we had just started things.

As of late, things have been rather....neutral.

I have been going to church again, though that my cease for a little while once summer begins. I am learning a lot, and I have found myself bringing a book that I used to abhor with me. I need a lot of guidance, and I am uncertain about some things; however, I am trying to lay them down as I was instructed to do.

I am also afraid of how tomorrow (and every day after it) will go....



I have resorted to the original methods of my mother and father: Listening. I have had a song stuck in my head for the past day or two. I listen for advice, still myself, and hear this song. Today it makes sense as to why it was drilled into my head. There is a lot to be done, and though I feel like I have all the time in the world, I really do not. It's ok. Now that the message has been revealed and demystified, I will take heed to it.

I keep having dreams of telling dad this important message, this was particularly when I fell asleep waiting for someone online. I woke up before I could spit out the message that I was supposed to give him. I know your probably thinking "If you have something to say to him, then you should already know it". You don't understand. It was being fed to me as I was talking to him in the dream. So I dont know what the message is....

After I logged out, I officially konked out for the night. I dreamed of my backyard garden, and how though not all of what I planted grew, that which did grow was strong. There was need for a little deweeding, but all in all, it was healthy. I think I was thinking about nurturing something either during or before I went to sleep. I will definitely check out dream dictionary.

I remember how this was a while ago whenever I was studying material, and I'd actually dream about it. This time around, it is the bible, and I dream of fragments. I cant quite recall the dreams, but I know that they were indeed dreamt. I wonder what that means....

I have been happy as of late. I just kind of hate how I am kind of sort of ignored in groups, but hey, it's ok. I'm actually a little used to it.

I hate how stubborn this individual is. I want to do something to repay kindness, but alas, he is ALMOST as strong willed as I am.

And, I think that is all I have to talk about. I'm going to wait for dinner. Fortunately, I brought some cash so that I won't be a burden to anyone else.

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